My grandson, who is 11, asked for a pocket knife for Christmas. This set is perfect for the beginner. Each device is sturdy, it's not a cheap set. It has all of the basicis anyone could need and they will hold up well the repeated use. They have solid connections at the grip, and they're made with strong metal. They are each fairly easy to open, with a fingernail notch. It has some weight to it, but you are going to expect that with a sturdy pocket set.
The bonus is the flashlight. It's small but super strong. A great brightness to the light, both in the full wide beam, and the more compressed small beam. Very simple to extend. To change between the different beams you give a soft push to the red button on the end. There are 3 levels of brightness as well as a flashing beam, and an SOS. Hard press to turn the light on and off. When you shut it off, whatever beam it was on is what it will produce when turned back on.
For the weekend camper, hiker or in this case, my grandson, it's a decent little set.