Received the 100 piece auto fuse assortment. Looks great, apparently the same fuses that you could buy at any auto supply store and pay considerably more. I have not used any of these yet but with a car, RV and boat, I will have plenty of need for them down the road.Nice that it comes with a fuse puller, that little item always seems to get lost and having one in the box will save a lot of frustration. Excellent value for the money... and having a bunch of fuses on hand at this price is good "insurance". You know how it would be - if you don' have the fuse you need, you're going to blow that one and be stuck somewhere or get pulled over because a light is out. I'd rather be prepared - there are enough in this kit that I can put extra fuses in multiple vehicles and still leave extras at home. No brainer. #ficbox car blade #rankbooster #sponsered You can get yours by using this amazon link -