purchased this because although my daughter is lucky enough to have her own playroom she continues to bring all her toys into the living room... now that isn’t really a problem tho is a little annoying... the real problem is all the tiny little bits of playmobil that gets bought in and then lost in the abyss that is my shag pile rug
despite best efforts of tidying up I still hoover on a different occasion and hear something clonking up the pipe!!
So I found this and brought it
its well made and large... large enough for her to bring it all in and because she can sit on it with the playmobil nothing gets lost!
After she’s finished I simply draw the cords tight and lift it up to put it all back in the play room and then fold it up for the next time ... it’s easily stored and takes up no room at all
It’s been an absolute life saver and I wish I’d found it ages ago!! No more going through a hoover bag to retrieve bits
highly recommend