This 21 piece children's chef set may be Christmas design on the apron, but it is adorable for anytime! My 4 year old granddaughter is in love with it and all the little baking pieces that are in the set. It is durable and easy for little hands to use. She just pretends on her play kitchen and is one of the Top Chef's like on the cooking show. I let her help me bake in the kitchen and the pieces work just fine. It is an adorable little set with the hat, apron, placemat (Trivet) and a pot holder mit! There are also 4 metal cookie cutters, 10 snowflake cupcake toppers for the cupcakes that she makes with her new set, a wooden rolling pin and a wooden spatula, as well as an egg whisk! Everything she needs to use for making her cake! I love it and so does she!