This advertises as glass cleaner, however, this effervescent spray cleaner does more than that! I used it on my scummy glass stove and it was super bright clean! I haven't been able to get that really clean since I bought it! Love this stuff!! It is super easy to make, just use the water in a spray bottle and drop in your tablet.. It makes a great cleaning solution. My husband didn't know what to do with it and thought it was car window cleaner. He put it in the window washer reservoir and used it on his car! I was horrified! I thought for sure it was going to wreck the reservoir, the car paint and all the rubber! It didn't! It actually cleaned the windows great on the outside.. I made some and did the inside. The rubber is fine, the reservoir is fine and where it hit the paint of the car is clean! I am hitting my bathroom shower next!
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