This was an easy fit and a great way to keep my Apple Airtag safe. This case by #Sjubaopen is made extremely well. And at only $5.99 (there's a misprint on the price above claiming it's $3.99 but it's really $5.99) it's a great way to protect your Apple Airtag. This one even has a video to show you how to correctly place it in the case so that it won't fall out. What a great video. If you have an Apple Airtag you're definitely going to want to purchase one of these for each one you get. I like if you have the Track my iPhone app you can easily also locate the Airtag. That and from what I've been hearing it's great at locating your car when you park it and can't remember where you parked it (something I have a bad habit of doing myself). That said a great buy!