This is one of the nicest baby towel sets I have personally used. I have two grandson's one of which is 5 and the other is 1, now you may think that I use this for my one-year-old grandson but I actually use it for the both of them. My oldest grandson loves how soft it is and likes to use it just as much as the little one does.
This set is made out of Bamboo and if you have ever used any items that have bamboo in them then you will know it is super soft. If I were a new mom these days iI would be doing all Bamboo products.
The set includes a super soft hooded baby towel with a cute little animal printed face on it even little ears. There is also a soft hand mitten to clean your little one's body, This set will be nice and gentle against your little one's sensitive skin.
If you are looking for that perfect baby shower gift look no further, the expectant parents will be sure to appreciate this Abbraccio Bamboo Set.
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