Ordered size 6-7 for my average 6.5 yo daughter. It's a bit loose on her but not baggy. Fabric is meh, it's made of cotton, not soft but not stiff or scratchy. Stitching seem to be well done and dress appears to be simmetrical. See through to my liking and won't let her wear it to go out.
In my honest opinion this dress is cute however it's not worth ($11.99) listed price. I have purchased better ones for less.
Originally I wanted to get white dress with sunflowers but my daughter chose blue. If my daughter didn't like it so much I would return it and now she will have to wear it at home only. I would've been much happier if the top part had a flower print on it instead of a flower stem right in the middle of the chest.
3* only because DD likes it.
Update after use. 07/04/18
I am dropping all the stars.
It wrinkles soo bad OMG just from a normal wear and after wash it looked horrendous. Off it goes to trash bin I am not going to slave myself to remove wrinkles. Also silky ribbons kept constantly getting undone and daughter kept bugging me to fix it. I should've listened to my gut and returned right away.