I have fought the cracking and disgusting calluses and icky look on my feet for years. I have tried every product under the sun to keep them looking soft, clean, and crack free. But it never seems to last long before I need something new to try again. It doesn't matter if I wear flip flops and sandals or socks and tennis shoes - I always struggle to keep my feet looking nice and fresh. I have gone through a myriad of products to keep them soft and smooth - files, pedi-eggs, lotions and creams, oils, callus removers of all types... And it remains a continuous struggle.
I have consistently used foot peels for awhile. I started using them last year and have tried various brands to see which one is easiest to use and works the best. I thought I would try this brand, having never used it before. I was shocked when it arrived and I saw that it is entirely in another language. Luckily I know how to use these or I would have been lost!
I used the plastic foot sleeves and put my socks on over it, then sat on the couch and let my feet sit in the goo for almost an hour. I went and washed it off and then sat back to wait. I noticed my feet looking dry and feeling tight by day 2, and by day 3 they began to lift a little, but nothing I could peel off. I am now on day 5 and still having trouble getting it to really peel, though my feet look dry and flakey. They look horrible. I just want it to lift enough that I can really peel it off and resume my normal routine. Right now I am soaking them frequently, then wearing socks the rest of the time to keep my feet clean and to prevent scratching myself or my husband in bed at nights. I am not sure what to think of these yet, since we are at day 5 and they still haven't really done much more than get super dry and flakey.
I am hoping that within another day or so they will really get going and I will be able to not feel self conscious about my feet. For now, I don't think I will be buying this brand again.
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