For as long as I can recall, my feet have been dry, rough, and I have fought the cracking and disgusting calluses and icky look. It doesn't matter if I wear flip flops and sandals or socks and tennis shoes - I always struggle to keep my feet looking nice and fresh. I have gone through a myriad of products to keep them soft and smooth - files, pedi-eggs, lotions and creams, oils, callus removers of all types... And it remains a continuous struggle.
I just put a foot peel on a day before getting this one in, so my son decided he would help me out with reviewing it. He sat and let me help him put them on his feet and I laughed at his reaction to the slimy feel of the foot sleeves and him trying to walk in them after putting them on. It was hilarious to me since I recall going through all of that myself.
He wore them for about an hour then went and washed the goo off. Within two days his feet started getting dry and little bits of skin began to lift. He said his feet felt weird, but couldn't expand on that and tell me HOW. The box said your feet would begin peeling in 2-3 days. Because we are only on day 4, he hasn't really had the chance to see what they will do for him. I have had him soak his feet off and on during the day to help speed up the process and we had a long day swimming yesterday, so I suspect he will see some major results soon.
Due to the fact we haven't had the chance for them to really peel good yet, I can't judge whether they are as good as other peels I have used. But they are doing what they are supposed to, and his feet are getting ready to peel good, so I have high hopes for it.
If you want to make your feet look better, foot peels THE way to go. I am pleased with the results so far, and can't wait to see his reaction when they really peel.
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