I got them for my mother who is a big fan of costume jewelry especially anything with Amber. She hasn't tried or seen them in person since she is in a hospital and they don't allow to bring anything in her room. But I showed her online pictures and she liked it. I know my mothers likes and I have purchased many sets for her and she has been happily wearing them all and I am certain she will love this set as well.
I personally not big fan of wearing necklaces overall but I do like to wear earrings and rings. I would actually consider buying another set for myself just for earrings and the ring since buying similar ones separately would cost much more than you pay for the whole set.
Its well made, stones nicely placed and didn't notice any single stone that was off set. I also got 3 other sets for my Mom from the same retailer and she liked them all. One of them had 1,2 stones that weren't set right but it did not ruin the whole appearance and for the price pfft those tiny imperfections were nothing to fuss about.
I will post pictures of my Mom wearing them once she gets well and comes home.