I thought that this would be good for my phone. I didn't think about the fact that I was aiming for one that held the phone, but the magnetic ones work good too. When you put the magnet to the holder it definitely holds really good. It doesn't work through my case, so that kinda bums me out. I don't like having to take my phone out of my case to make it work. I had it in my case at the perfect spot, but since it wont reach through my case I now have to actually stick it on my phone and remove it from my case. I wish it could be stronger, but without the case it really does hold it really good. I do like the way you can adjust it and extend it depending on how it sits in your car. Anyone willing to stick the magnet to the back of your phone, or maybe even try to stick it on the case. With the case I use it just wouldn't look right, so if I get brave enough to do that, then I will test that out too. I just like my case too much to cover the design on the back so far, and I don't know if it would ruin the material if I decided to take the magnet off. I guess it depends on how much people are open to where you put the magnet.