Very good quality twine

Verified Post by Tracy Cohen
Published on 05 Feb, 2018

(3mm x 100m(about 109 yd)) Natural Jute Twine Macrame Best Arts Crafts Gift Twine Christmas Twine DIY Industrial Packing Materials Durable String for Gardening Applications
Price: $10.99
My Rating
Avg. Rating
5.00 / 5   (8 Reviews)

This natural just twine is a very good quality product. It can be used for many applications.

I've used it for a gardening project in fundraiser garden her and also in cooking something a turkey. It stays in place very well and doesn't fray. It's very strong and is also a very big ball of twine. Much larger than I expected.

I would highly recommend this product.

#RankBoosterReview ii. #Sponsored iii. #Home life elements

Price: $10.99



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