This is a very cute workbench! My 4 year old will have fun with it as he is always wanting to build things. The title says 3 years old and up but my opinion is this is really for a 2-4 year old. Past 4 years old I think the kid might get bored quickly. Be sure to review the measurements as it is pretty small. It is very durable (it is wood and not plastic) and sturdy and everything works as it's supposed to. I have searched many toddler workbenches and this is the best one I have found for my 4 year old. Again, I would not recommend it for 5 years+ because you can't really build anything with it but it is good for 1-4 year olds to hammer, saw and screw and unscrew things. Cute and fun toy for a young toddler. If you would like to see this product you can at Amazon - here is the link: #RankBoosterReviews, #Sponsored, #Fajiabao