This chore chart is such a great idea! It makes chores fun for kids and gives them something to look forward to if they complete their chores. The chart is magnetic and the pieces stick to it really well. The board is thick and so are the magnets that come with it. It has a whole lot more options and magnets with it than I thought it would and I was pleasantly surprised with how neat it is! It's really well made. There are little slots for each chore to be listed on the left side. It comes with pre-made chores to choose from with really cute graphics and it also comes with a dry erase marker so you can put your own chore down if you'd rather. The top has the days of the week listed so you can keep track of the whole week at a glance. Then there are little square boxes where you place the reward magnets. There are several different reward magnets that have stars on them that way your child will know how well they've done for that particular chore for that day. There are some stars that say poor, good, excellent, etc. that way you can see easily how you're doing. I think it provides a great incentive to do a good job since they can see how well they're doing. Then if your child gets so many good magnets for the week they can get a treat for helping out so well! I think this is a great tool to help teach children to help out around the house while still having fun. #RankBoosterReview #Sponsored #Tenquest
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