iPhone 7 waterproof case from Besinpo

Posted by Rachel Farrell
Published on 28 Jul, 2017

Besinpo Waterproof Case For Iphone 7, Iphone 7 Underwater Cases Full Body Protective Cover 4.7 Inch Only
Price: $19.25
My Rating
Avg. Rating
5.00 / 5   (1 Reviews)

What a great iPhone 7 waterproof case by Besinpo. This case is clear with black around the edges. I did a water test while I went out shopping so the case was underwater for about 2 hours. I had the cleaning cloth inside to see if it was getting wet during this process. The case stayed dry inside. You must make sure the case is securely closed all the way around the phone and the charger port covers are closed. The phone is fully functional with this case on although the musi...c wasn't as loud. This case will also be snow, dirt and sand proof. This case from Besinpo for the iPhone 7 costs: $15.99 and can be purchased here: https://www.amazon.com/…/B07…/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00…
* I received this item for a discount this is my review.

Price: $19.25



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