Traps have proven to be a great asset in the 'War of the Rodents'!!! P-butter good as is Nutella. Minor problem with mice eating without sething off trap. Trigger plate was set too deep so by fine tuning how sensitive to set trigger, has not happened since. Takes a lityle finesse to get the hang of giving trap a 'hair trigger' but have now started on the younger generation! Babies can raid a baited trap without triggering. Adults and teeneboppers are junk!
Couple Tips:
1. Wear gloves to mask human sent.
2. Set trap with 'trigger plate' facing solid object so it works like a spike strip in a police chase!
3. Place in high traffic area preferably right on their routes to and from hiding/nesting areas.
4. Buy a German Shorthair Pointer to help locate these areas. (lol) Mine do point right where mice were hiding (under dresser) and in this a glue trap on either side of escape route proved successful. Between dogs, traps and glue... "RESISTANCE IS FUTILE!"
But seriously, remember these are smart creatures and they will adapt to what you do.
So change things up!
Final note. Mouse traps can be triggered by rats who will take trap home with them like a Mr. Tee chain set! So don't blame a mouse trap for determined rats. Use BOTH sizes!
90% chance if you have mice you will also have rats and vice versa!
If above measures fail... Try non-venomous snakes