I am very pleased with this cross-body bag. It has multiple pockets and is designed to securely carry your handgun as well as your wallet, phone, and all kinds of other things. Inside the back pocket, there is a pistol retention strap, adjustable using velcro to fit most any pistol. It fits my Springfield 45 perfectly.
Having bought in-waistband holsters, belt holsters, bellyband holsters, fannybag holsters, ankle holsters, I had yet to find one comfortable enough to be used on a daily basis, until now. This bag solves my problem. It is amply large to carry not only my handgun, but extra mags, wallet, phone, and everything else. It is very well made of heavy-duty nylon and other materials and is available in a number of different colors and patterns.
https://www.amazon.com/vAv-YAKEDA-Tactical-Backpack-quickly-KF-083/dp/B076LZKVK6 #RankBoosterReview #Sponsored #vAv #YAKEDA