The trimmer is honestly one of the most high-quality trimmers I've ever had the pleasure of using. It is sturdy and heavy, unlike most cheaply made trimmers one can purchase today. The adjustability is spot on as well as the battery life. Packaging was nice and the items you receive inside are also very nice. I like how the guards are double sided, so you do not have so many to keep up with and possibly lose. Portability is the best feature here. It is so nice to not have to worry about the cord getting in the way and working with the freedom of it being cordless. The trimmer also is really quiet when under operation, which is also a huge plus, considering how loud some of them can be. Also has a nice bag to place everything inside as well, once you are ready to store it. I have been cutting my own hair for about 15 years and this is no joke the best clippers I have ever owned! They cut great and I absolutely recommend these to anyone. I am going to purchase another set, to have as a backup as well. If you want the best cut, you should purchase these!!! So nice to be able to trim my hair and beard all with the same clippers and not have to switch back and forth. They do an excellent job on both. Highly recommend!