I purchased this for my daughters room, to help her learn how to sort her clothes. I like how it is a nice neutral color and looks pretty good. I love how it has drawstring nets so if I did need to close it up I could. I love how it has handles for ease of transport. I love how easy it is to put together. It didn't take long at all. I like how it collapses flat if needed. It's easy to take the bag on and off and works really well.
What I don't like about the bag is how cheap the fabric feels. I don't know how long this will last in my daughters room but I'm worried that the weird fabric is going to rip easily, making this item no longer usable. I also don't like how the whole basket is hung to one side if there is clothes in one side and not the other. It shifts to one side and makes it really hard to keep it looking half decent.
I am not entirely sure if I would purchase this one again unless it had a canvas bag.