My boys use mechanical pencils at school when they can, though lately my younger son has been using regular pencils instead. I got sick of buying new packages of mechanical pencils, hating the fact that we are adding more to our landfills when we toss them out, so I decided we needed to get a bunch of lead refills. This set has 540 refills in 45 tubes. I figured that would last us all year and who knows how much longer and they wouldn't have to worry about me getting new pencils or digging through the drawer where I keep all the spare pens, pencils, and sharpee types of markers. Unfortunately they are size 0.5mm and all of the pencils we have take 0.7mm. That size difference may seem very small, but it won't work with our pencils. The lead slides right through and falls out. So I have 45 tubes with 450 pieces of black lead and no pencils to use them with. I guess I need to look on Amazon for a 0.5mm pencil that I can use with the refills. Kind of backwards buying the lead then looking for a pencil to use it with, but that is typical for me. Go figure I wouldn't check the pencils to be sure the size was right. I never even thought of the size differences, totally unaware that there WERE different sizes and I needed to pay attention to it. So I can't say how well it works, how good the lead is for writing or whether it was smooth or not, and can't say if it breaks easily. But I will eventually - when I find a fancy pencil to use it all with! Be sure you check the size you need before you buy. Don't be drawn in by the appeal of 540 pieces in 45 tubes for less than $10.... That was my problem. I was enticed by the amount of lead and the low price and didn't pay attention to how I would use it! But it is a great deal and a LOT of lead that will last a LONG time. Well worth picking up if you have a pencil that can use it.

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