Now that the baby is getting older, I have begun looking for new toys for her. She has been fascinated with putting things together, often trying to put lids on things that they have come off of or fitting small things inside larger ones. I thought maybe it was time to pick up some toddler puzzles for her, though at this time she is only 18 months old.
These wooden puzzles are designed for kids ages 3 and up, though i know plenty of 2 year olds who would have no trouble with them. I have seen plenty of these types of toys in the nurseries at church and day cares, and having been a teacher, as well as teaching child development at the university level, I fully believe that introducing kids to things before the recommended age can help them to grow. Whatever you set the bar to, kids will raise themselves and often excel. But they have to be given that chance to do so.
This puzzle is simple in design, as are most puzzles made for such young ages. It is a thinner wooden board with each of the pieces printed on the inside to match the piece that fits in its space. The pieces all have a small peg on them to allow for easier pick up and placement. One of the challenges little ones have is in grasping the puzzle piece and putting it in to place. Their fingers get in the way. Having the peg helps them to place the puzzle piece. But more so than that, grasping the small peg with their fingers and thumb works on dexterity and helps build muscle in their hands. It is a great way to help them with fine motor skills, as well as matching, sorting, etc.
The shapes on this puzzle are all animals. The colors are bright and vibrant, mostly done in primary colors, though there are some additional colors. They have a nice shine to them to make them look good and attract the eye, while protecting the picture from the damage they might otherwise face. The designs are all kid friendly and are done in a manner that will appeal to younger kids, making this a puzzle that stimulates the brain through visual means.
I love the look of this puzzle and how well it is designed. It is not as thick and sturdy as puzzles I used to have or those I have seen, but it is still able to withstand the abuse of my 18 month old. She has pointed, oohed and ahhed over the pictures, and gotten frustrated at not having the fine motor skills she needs to put the pieces in place. But she is determined to figure it out, being a stubborn little girl who I suspect might be an overachiever and perfectionist later, given her early signs and tendencies. Only time will time.
Great puzzles and a great price. A perfect birthday or Christmas gift for little ones or parents.
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