I was happy to try these Drain Sticks Drain Cleaner and Deodorizer. I was a bit disappointed that they all came broken but it seems they may do the job. I will have to update after awhile. They have a very light fragrance which is good for the drain.
These are supposed to prevent future clogs and eliminate smelly odor effectively. These drain sticks are effective as a deodorizer and cleaner. It can break down grease, fats, oils, soap scum and food to keep the sink clean, eliminating embarrassing odor from drains to keep drains clean and odor-free. Good for all drains.
These drain sticks are easy to use and can be used in both plastic and metal drain pipes, 100% safe for home kitchen,, vanity, bathtub, shower, wash basin and toilet bowl sever drainage outlet. Just drop 1pc clean stick in one drain per month as the effect can last for one month. These are easy to use and easy for storage.