If you have been reading my reviews lately, you will notice that I already have a few of these fireproof bags. I have started trying to get my personal papers and important documents better organized and realized that these bags are just what I need to help me become better organized and they also will give me some peace of mind knowing that they are supposed to be fireproof. As I have said before, I hope I never have to put them to the test but I love the quality of these bags.
This bag is 11" X 15" and that makes it perfect for my larger file folders that contain important documents. It has a double layer of protection. The outer layer is made of high-quality silicone coated fire-retardant glass fiber and the inside is made of aluminum flame retardant material. It has a fireproof zipper and extra strong velcro enclosure for added security.
Check it out here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D5T12JN
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