I haven't been using a paper planner the same way I did in the past, now that I use my phone for everything and have a shared calendar with my family. But I have a hard time passing up cute stickers! And I DO still try to keep a paper calendar hanging in the kitchen, as well as one of the larger desktop calendars on my desk. So I picked these up for those calendars. I wanted to be able to easily add some visual appeal rather than drawing and doodling around my entries and to add some color and personality to match my style. I love how these look. There are actually a TON of stickers in the pack with many different ones on each sheet. I was actually surprised at how many different ones there were. And they are all super cute and have great stick to them. I am actually considering being a little VSCO myself and adding some of the cute ones to my water bottle! Love the designs. Well worth getting, whether for a planner, a binder, or something else. I am loving them.
Get yours here:
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