I have an assortment of essential oil diffusers that I use throughout my house and absolutely LOVE having them going ALL the time. But I have had my fair share of problems finding one that works good for me, especially with little missie messing with them more and more. I have had her knock them off the shelves and tables as she tries to play with them, so was in desperate need of a new one asap. I snapped this up as soon as I saw it since it is a 500ml, knowing it would put out enough scent in the living room which is larger, and keep my house smelling great.
I can’t stand the smells of dogs, kids, and life so always keep different scents going through the home. I love customizing the scents, and love the benefits of diffusing essential oils even more, especially when sickness hits. And right now I am on anti-biotics for the sickness I have been fighting for two and a half weeks. I wanted a larger well to add the oils to, since I keep the diffusers going all day long and am constantly refilling tanks and adding more oil.
It arrived quickly and was well packaged. I put it in the living room right away, up on top of the piano so that little miss can't reach it and mess it up this time, and got it going with a sweet orange oil. It immediately began putting out oil scented mist and quickly spread through the room. I like that it has the choice not to use the lights, since I don't necessarily need them during the day when natural light comes in and no one is home but me and the baby, but I can put the lights on for nights and have a soft nightlight going. I have actually kept the light on, since it is higher and you can see it sitting on top of the piano and love the look it has during the nights for sure.
This is a nice looking diffuser with a pretty design of a dark wood on the outside. The cycle of colors is soft and not overwhelming, so it won’t blind you at night as it slowly fades in and out. I love the capacity of this diffuser, it being 500ml. I LOVE that! I know it can run for hours on end without running out, keeping the air diffused and the scents going.
I am VERY impressed with this diffuser. I am pleased with my purchase and am loving every minute of using it.
I HIGHLY recommend this product to anyone interested in diffusers. It has exceeded my expectations completely and has far out performed a few of my other diffusers.
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