My dog is a power chewer. He is definitely an aggressive, destructive chewer who can rip through any toy in no time at all. If you ever want a toy tested for durability and chewproof qualities, my dog has the jaws of steel to do it. Thus, this toy caught my eye. It claims to be a chewing toy for aggressive chewers, as well as interactive. It has a unique twisted design to it that I would assume is designed to prevent your dog from destroying it fully. It is made from natural tire rubber and comes in a few different colors with a strong rope handle ont he top and a hole in the bottom for "slow feeding" properties. I didn't even bother with that. My dog has chewed on it some, but is not really interested in it. Once he chewed through the interactive rope at the top and ripped it to shreds, he got bored with the toy. He didn't even want to chew on it, nor has he wanted to play with it, carry it around, nothing. He is simply not interested in it at all. The listing claims it has a "natural" scent that is designed to attract your pet. It has no scent to it at all that i can detect and neither of my dogs cares for it at all. After the rope was shredded and the remaining toy was put in the dogs' toy box, neither have taken it back out. We pull it out every now and then and try to get them to play with it, but they won't have anything to do with it. Not sure what is so unpleasant or unappealing about this toy to them, but it is not one I can say is fun and engaging for your dogs. Try it for yourself or pass it up, I can't say one way or another. All I know is mine won't deal with it at all now that the fun of the rope shredding is over.
Get yours here: https://amzn.to/2jSxO6b
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