We bought this for our 17 month old Granddaughter. She LOVES it! She does get a little frustrated with it sometimes but she keeps going back to it to finish and figure it out. She started out fast, wanting to put the pieces together quickly but now she takes her time and if she gets them wrong, she moves to the next piece. This is a great educational stacking, sorting game for young children. It teaches children with developing hand-eye coordination and logical thinking. It uses five colors and four different shaped pegs to teach them patterns and which ones go on which peg. The pegs are orange and the plates that go on the pegs are white, green, yellow, and red. They are very bright, interesting colors that catch the child's interest. The plates are also different shapes which helps them learn not only colors but shapes as well. Our granddaughter loves this game and go back to it time and time again. It's 6.5'' x 6.5'' x 4.72'' and made of smooth plastic. Be careful because smaller children will try to put the plates in their mouths, like they do everything LOL. Your baby/toddler with have lots of fun for hours with this great educational toy.