I bought this in size 4-5 for my almost 3 yo daughter to wear next year. She is a bit taller than kids her age or so everyone tells me lol
My little one at the stage where she copies what and how her older sister does. Though she already has her own fashionista taste she does like to wear clothes with similar prints with her sister as if they are twins lol. My sister had purchased similar set for the oldest and when I saw this one I thought it would be a perfect match for the little one.
I do a lot of shopping online and with Amazons awesome deals when they reduce prices on some kids clothes close to nothing I stock up for 1 2 seasons in advance. With 2 girls growing up so fast and another baby on his way one simply cannot afford buying things for a full price.
This was a great opportunity to try this brand with the given promotion. Pajamas arrived in a plastic bag without any funky or chemical smell. They are made of thin cotton which is perfect for transition from hot weather to cooler. Fabric felt a bit rough to my liking but I don't think it's something that won't be fixed by fabric softener. Anyways I always wash kids new PJ and undergarments first to eliminate any chemical residue.
Size wise it looked consistent to clothes I have for her in 4-5 T. Do I like it? Yes. Would I buy it again? Yes, but only if it's on special lol I am a bargain shopper.
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