As I get older I am more and more aware of my double chin and saggy skin. I saw these and was not convinced they would work, but was curious enough to try them out. There are 5 in the package that you get, so five different treatments. They are supposed to be applied 2-3 times per week, so you won't have enough for a 2 weeks supply and definitely not enough to see long term results. One treatment is not going to fix things magically. One box hasn't even addressed any of my concerns. I was hoping it would work for me, but I see absolutely no change whatsoever. They are odd to use. I got lots of laughs trying to do it. Once you take it out of the package it takes some work to peel the paper off and reveal the gel underneath that you stick to your skin. It then fits under your chin and stretches up to loop over your ears. It says to stretch it a few times, but I found they had no stretch at all so it was a bit of work to get them under my chin and around my ears. Once applied it is very cool to the skin. I was only able to wear mine for a short time before my skin would get itchy and start bugging me, which could be why I don't see any results. But I have sensitive skin and though the ingredients seemed tame enough, it did leave me feeling irritated while wearing it. I didn't have redness or irritation after removing it, and there was no sticky feeling or gel residue left on me when removing them. I don't know if these really work, but it is not something I would buy again. At least not this one. I may try another version later from another maker just to satisfy my curiosity, but this product itself did not agree with me or give me the results I was hoping for. Plus you need more than 1 box and I prefer having something that gives me enough to make it worth my while when I purchase it, not something that only gives me a few and then expects you to get more to see the results you want.

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