I haven't taken a lot of interest in doing my makeup as I have gotten older, focusing mostly on my eyes and lately on my lips. But I deided it would probably be good for me to add some blush to the mix, just to round it all out and give my cheeks some color. I have watched a ton of videos on makeup application, marveling at all they do (and how much they put on!) and the outcome. There is no way I am ready to do something that extreme, but I did think maybe having something with a highlighter might be good. Thus, this kit. This palette has 5 sections in it and is supposed to be colored so that it is suitable for most skin tones, especially light to medium. I am not entirely convinced of that, though, based on the colors on my hand. There are two colors I would NOT use for my makeup regimen simply because they are too orange for my skin tone. But I do think I could do something with the others. I am not sure yet. I do think I will be using the highlighter though, once I figure out where I am highlighting and adding some light on my face! It is a good palette, though there are colors I won't be using, and should be great for me to learn with. Here's hoping I do okay!

Get yours here: https://amzn.to/2EpuG9q
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