Really needed the thread for a product and it never came even after waiting for weeks.

Verified Post by Carol Green
Published on 13 Dec, 2018

24 Assorted Colors Polyester Sewing Thread,Sewing Kit All Purpose Polyester Thread for Hand
Price: $9.99
My Rating
Avg. Rating
4.11 / 5   (9 Reviews)

I waited and waited but the thread never arrived so instead of a review on the thread itself - here is one on the seller's customer service. They never responded back and I finally went to Amazon to see when the thread would come and the page for the thread no longer even shows up on Amazon. They just took the money and ran.  Don't buy from them.  Seller:

#RankBoosterReview #Sponsored #seller/RBP13647084/

Price: $9.99



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