OK, it FINALLY arrived, and it's a good item. Understand that when you order this item from this seller, you will be waiting a month to receive it, the tracking is from China so the actual tracking stops updating when it reaches US soil, and once it does reach the USA, it will be handed off to USPS, the tracking number from China does not translate over to be tracked from USPS.
It arrived in a beat-up soft plastic bag; the item itself was in fair shape considering how far it came with very little protection.
Now to the ribbon, it's nice, I intend to use it in my newest hobby, "Slow Stitching" (look it up if you aren't familiar). The ribbon itself if soft, it will blend nicely in my pieces. The color is nice, the texture is wonderful, it's soft, feels more expensive/premium than it really is. The price is right, just understand how long it will take to get to you, order more than you think you need because if you want more, it will take a long time to get into your hands.
I ordered this on Oct 1; it was supposed to arrive by the middle of the month the date came and went, they changed the approximate delivery date range from Oct 28-Nov 4. It has not shipped. I am hoping it does actually ship, I have plans for this, whenever it finally arrives. If it gets bumped in shipping again, I'll ask for a refund, but honestly I'd prefer it was shipped. If and when I receive it, I'll re-evaluate this review.
I'm only writing this review now because while I'm waiting for this to ship, it appears that I'm being negligent in my reviews here. I assure you that I really want to receive this, try it and give a proper review on the product instead of reviewing the fact that it hasn't shipped and they keep moving the approximate delivery date.