my little one is so obsessed with lights of all shapes and sizes. Most nights when darkness comes and the lights get switched off on goes all the lights and the teddy crew have a party!!
This little light added extra fun and squeals as she watched it light up stars and moon shapes and beams around the room.., colours change and it really is quite mesmerising... The remote control is easy to use and can change the modes and colours
its a little noisy but not loud enough to cause an isssue... we put it up on her shelf so the projection was really good and clear... it meant it was out of the way of little hands and being able to tilt it meant it was perfect there!
we've plugged it into phones to listen to party music, tho it does play music so that’s not necessary which was fantastic and there were more quests of delight
the remote control is easy to use and she’s learnt her way round that already
every night now she’s so excited for it to get dark so she can play... she’s learning colours too and to dance and learn musical lyrics and nursery rhymes so it’s quite educational too
When she asks to watch the colours and shapes while in bed we simply set the auto off button so we don’t have to keep checking it
tbh I wouldn’t mind one myself for when I’m in the bath... would be so relaxing and peaceful!
Us girls love this light... was a great find!