I got a great deal on this Fireproof Bag by Engpow through Rank Booster so I could give my feedback, and I'm happy with it. I have a couple of fireproof boxes, but I have some documents that are too big to fit in my fire safe boxes without folding them, so this bag is just perfect for those items. It says "Non-Itchy" and I'm not sure why it would be itchy, as I haven't owned one of these bags before, but I can say that there's nothing itchy about it. It's got a rubbery, silicone-like feel to it on the outside and the inside is a shiny silver. The open end has a zipper that is covered by a velcro flap, so its well secured. I'm glad to have it so I can keep my documents protected and not have to fold them up to fit in one of my fireproof boxes.
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