7-Piece Multi Color Ceramic Cutlery Rustless Kitchen Knives with peeler by Lovekitchen

Verified Post by Rachel Farrell
Published on 31 Aug, 2017

Lovkitchen 7-Piece Multi Color Ceramic Cutlery Rustless Kitchen Knives with Fruit Peeler Set
Price: $12.99
My Rating
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4.61 / 5   (41 Reviews)

This item is a 4 piece kitchen tool set and the knives come with covers for each one. This set of 7 pieces in all is from Lovkitchen. The colors are all different and the handles of the knives have a bumpy area where the thumb goes to make it non-slip. The knives are made of ceramic and are very strong. The vegetable peeler is made of plastic and ceramic also the blade peels a potato great. These are not dishwasher safe although these wash easily in the sink with soapy water.... This set from Lovkitchen costs:$ 12.99 https://www.amazon.com/…/B06…/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s00…
* I received this item for a discount and this is my honest review.

Price: $12.99



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