I picked up this wig on a whim. It is summer, so no real chance to wear it for months, if then, before Halloween. And I have no need to have a wig like this on hand. I am a mom that stays home with my kids. I go to typical mom things - church, school functions, extra-curricular activities, doctor's appointments. I DO work part time, on a contract basis, and don't think this would be a very professional look for me to have when going in to a school classroom to supervise a student teacher. But I wanted the wig because it was something different, something FUN! It was a total whim. And I picked up a purple one that I took pictures of myself wearing last spring and got a ton of comments. It was such a blast to do. I knew when I saw this that I had to have this pink, long haired wig, too! I have absolutely no experience with wigs, with wearing them, putting them on, caring for them. I have nothing to compare them to in terms of quality. I can say that the hair itself is fairly course and definitely doesn't feel like real hair whatsoever, but I didn't expect it to. I figured it was more of a costume wig. For the price I paid, I knew it was not something that would be high quality. But I was pleased with what I DID get. The color is a muted, pale pink. When you look at the pictures you don't get a real feel for the true color of it, though. But you can see the pale pink coloring in the picture as well as the length in the picture of my son, who unfortunately needed to model the length for me. The wig cap inside is mesh, so it is breathable. It has long bangs and super long straight hair that hangs to my waist when on. Because it was such a different look for me, I am not quite sure I like the look. I am not sure if it is the cut and the way it hangs around my face, but it is not what I consider to be flattering to me. Maybe it is the pale color with my light complexion. I am not sure what it is, but it is not a great look for me. I prefer my previous purple wig if I am going to be wearing something fun. Plus with how long it is, I had a hard time doing anything without pulling on it and having to readjust it on top of my head. I think a lot of the problem is my lack of knowledge in wig wearing and my limited experience. But regardless, I don't foresee myself doing it too often, though I did have fun playing dress up. If you are in to cosplay or have a need for a great colored wig but don't want to spend an arm and a leg to buy one, this is the way to go. This is a great wig for a low price and is a lot of fun! Definitely worth having on hand for fun events and parties!
Get yours here: https://amzn.to/2xSGEV5
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