My bathrooms were in need of some hooks to hang things from so I thought these would be good to use. I thought they would make it more functional and allow us to hang things we use often, as well as add some personality thanks to the pictures and images on each hook. I figured it was worth trying out, so why not?
You get four different hooks with images in this package. The packaging is quite lacking when you first receive it, though, and there are instructions, but not much information. I thought the packaging would be better, not just a bunch of hooks in a simple container. But regardless, each hook has its own design making it unique and setting them apart from the others. There are different sets you can pick from, customizing the look to your decor. I opted for the woodlands scenes, but also picked up a pack of the beach themed ones, too. I really wanted the hearts, because I love the look, but since these were review items the code did not work so I was not able to purchase.
Each hook has a different picture on it. The pictures are roughly 3 inches, not entirely squared, but close. The hooks attach to the picture backing with a clear plastic piece that holds the small metal hooks. The plastic and metal hooks are the same as what you can buy at Walmart or the dollar store, so are not high quality, but they are attached securely to the picture backing with strong adhesive and don't pull free from it. Some of the metal parts were moveable and flopped, others were solidly stuck in place. It varied as to which ones did what, but it didn't affect the functionality of the hooks themselves.
The pictures all have plastic on the backs that you peel off to stick them to the walls or tiles where you want to place them. Unlike command hooks, these have no tab to pull to remove them, so there is no easy way to get them off. The instructions said to heat it with a blow dryer to loosen the adhesive and remove them without damaging the walls. I worry that it will pull the paint off the walls, and honestly think that may be the case if you do not heat them up, so be sure to follow those instructions if you do not want the paint to come off. For my own sanity, I have chosen to attach these to non-painted surfaces - the tiles in my bathroom. The only problem I have is wondering how strong they will be and if they will stick because it is a slicker surface.
The hooks are supposed to be able to support up to 22 pounds. The Amazon listing says to use less than 15 pounds on it though if you want them to hand and last for long term. Luckily for me, I am not planning to hang heavy things on them. In the bathroom, I wanted something my boys could hang their rags on. My oldest has a few specific rags he uses on his face for his acne medication. I wanted him to have somewhere to hang them after he uses them so they can dry and to keep them off the counter where it clutters things up and makes it look so untidy. In my bathroom, I have a few things that have holes in them and I have run ribbons through them to hang - things like larger make up brushes and such. I can also hang small scrubbies or my hair bands and decorative hair accessories. Things I have to hang are all lightweight, so won't pull the hooks off.
But I wondered how long they will last with the steam and moisture of the bathroom. I stuck two of them inside the shower for the boys' hanging sponge balls though I was fearful they wouldn't stay stuck on with the water running over them. And sadly, I was right. They lasted a few days, but started sliding down the shower wall not long after that. And by day 5, they were beginning to peel off entirely. My youngest told me his had pulled free a few times and he mashed it back on. Though it is still sticking, it won't for much longer. The stickies in my bathroom are doing better, but I know my bathroom still has a lot of moisture, too, so I am not hopeful it will last too long. I have them hung on the wall next to my sink and have a few smaller things hanging from them. They look really cute, but I am not sure I like having my frequently used items hanging out on display after all.
I don't think I would buy these again. While they are cute and add some personality, they aren't the most functional and don't hold well in high moisture situations. Plus, they can't hold as much weight as you would probably need. I saw pictures in the Amazon listing from reviewers who hung toddler backpacks and such from them which was cute, but others said a simple backpack or sweatshirt didn't stay on the wall because it weighed too much. If a toddler's items are too heavy for these, there is no way my home with teens and pre-teens will survive with them.
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