This case is so pretty! The color is bright and stands out really well. The designs on the back of the case are really pretty and I like that the back of the case has a raised design. The raised designs make the case look much more expensive and nice. There are also several little jewels embedded in the case which adds a nice sparkle to it. They're set in really well so they don't look like there's any chance of them falling out. The case seems really sturdy and well made so it seems like it will protect your phone well. My favorite part is the fact that it doesn't obstruct my ability to use the edge on my phone. I've had a really hard time finding cases and protectors that won't interfere with the curved edge on my S8 and this case has been the first that hasn't blocked the edges. I'm really happy with it! #RankBoosterReview #Sponsored #MagicSky