We have been foster parents for about 6 years now and are at a point where we are looking at stopping since we are in the process of adopting one. We want to give her a normal life without all of the appointments, visits with bio parents, and other requirements of fostering, so plan to stop. But the baby we are hoping to adopt is 19 months, so we still have a lot of babyproofing to do, especially now that she is walking and getting in to everything. We have always had our home babyproofed, some things in place even before we began fostering (child locks on cabinets to keep the cats out, baby gates in the hallway to keep the dogs in the rooms we were in, etc.). Recently we needed to pick up some new baby locks for our cabinets in the kitchen, since they were well used and not staying latched properly. I saw these and thought they might work for us.
The package comes with 12 corner guards that are clear and 2 strip latches to lock cabinets, toilet seats, refrigerators, ovens, or whatever you need them for. Easily tackle those sharp corners that baby can bump in to with these guards. They stick on easily, even without the 3M tape, though they can be pulled off by curious little ones if you don't use it. They are made of clear, non-toxic PVC and are hard enough to protect the corners without them poking through, but soft enough that if baby bumps them, they won't hurt. They have a rubbery like feeling.
We got a new coffee table and end tables for our living room this last summer and though the corners are more rounded, I still worried about the baby pulling up on the table and walking around it. I still worry about her running in to them or falling on a corner with the way she runs around now. When this set came in, I worried they would not fit on the larger, rounded corners. But they did. No problem. I was easily able to put them on the corners and keep them there, protecting her from them. The biggest challenge was teaching her not to try to pry them off and getting the dogs to stop sniffing at them as they tried to figure out what they were.
The strip cabinet locks have stick on mechanisms that attach to either side of the surface you are attaching them to with 3M tape. For example, if you want to latch you refrigerator door shut, you would put one on the door, and one on the side (or the other door, directly across from it). They then have a sliding plastic strip that fits between the two ends. Simply push a button on the piece stuck on, and slide the plastic strip out to open. Insert and slide it tight to lock them up again.
They are easy to use. You simply pull the tape backing off, stick in place, and tada! You are done! I love the fact that they are easy to use and you don't really see them all that well, though you CAN tell they are there. They may be clear, but they are not invisible. The strip locks are not clear, so you WILL see them, but when you are babyproofing a house, you often see a lot of the things you use to keep kids safe.
All of that said - this is a decent set of babyproofing tools for your home. And not a bad price, at that. If you need to start hiding those corners from baby, this is a great way to start.
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Get yours today! http://amzn.to/2FG87iS