One of my friends and fellow Scout leaders is an Outdoor Ethics Guide and gets on to us every time we go to a restaurant about our straws. She is on a mission to ban plastic straws because they are so bad for the environment. When we did our Popcorn Sales Kickoff for leaders for this year's sales season, they played a game using straws and blowing popcorn. The game was fun, but no one wanted to use the plastic straws because of what our Guide has been teaching us. I decided to pick up some paper straws instead.
I have always wondered about paper straws - what the purpose was. We all know what happens when paper gets wet, so I figured the same would happen with paper straws. I have only used them in the past for crafting purposes (for which they work great!), but never tried them as actual straws that you drink from. But after getting these and using them for our popcorn races with the kids, I had a few left over and I was curious as to how they would work, so dropped one in a cup of water and left it there to see. I was impressed to see it lasted a few hours before it even started to get soggy, plenty of time for me to drink a cold drink without having to worry about having paper floating in it.
The straws come in packs of 25, 50, or 100. You have the option of buying plain white or white with red stripes (pack of 100 only). They are 7.75 inches long and have a circumference of 0.24 inches. They are made in China with FSA paper (whatever that is) and FDA approved ink (for the colored ones - the white have nothing on them). And best of all, they are biodegradable, so they won't add to the mess in the environment or cause problems for animals who mess with them. They can be tossed in your recycling or compost heap with no worries about them not breaking down.
I am actually fairly impressed with these straws. I may have to keep things like these on hand for drinks now instead of the other reusable straws that I hate washing. We have bamboo, silicone, plastic, and metal straws, and every one of them drives me nuts when something dries inside the straw and I have to pull out the small brush to fit in there. I would much rather use something I can toss when done without having to worry about the environmental impact.
#RankBoosterReview #sponsored #jianqiao #paperstraws #straws #banstraws #noplasticstraws #biodegradable #biodegradablestraws #green #gogreen #environmentallyfriendly #environmentallyfriendlystraws
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