I picked up this emergency sleeping bag to keep in the car for emergency purposes. I wanted to have something in there, just in case, that we can easily pull out and use if we need it. I have carried the small emergency blankets for years and have used them to keep us warm, dry, and to sit on at games and activities, luckily never needing them for emergencies. But I don't have a sleeping bag. So I added that to the collection of blankets. I didn't want to unwrap it fully for picture taking, since I would have to try to fold it and cram it back in the bag for carrying, so just pulled apart part of it for pictures. The small bag it comes in is definitely purse or bag size, so it is easy to toss in. And it is thick, solid, and won't rip. Should be a great addition to our emergency kit in the car. I may need to pick up one or two more, just in case! Can never be too prepared!
Get yours here: https://amzn.to/2OFO5pg
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