My grandson saw this Pop It toy and said it looks like the characters in Among Us a game he plays with his friends on his mobile phone. He asked if I could "PLEASE" buy it for him that I was the "BEST NANA EVER". That said how could I say NO? It wasn't as if he was asking me for another video game. These pop it toys are really great at relaxing my grandson and destressing him. These work like popping those plastic bubble wrap that comes inside of packages. Except these are food grade silicone so I don't have to worry about his hands going into his mouth after handling it. Plus it does help him relax. The premise is very simple .. .You pop the bubbles on one side of the design, flip it over and do it back to the other side and go back and forth. I tried it and to be honest I can see where it can be very relaxing as well as addicting. That said to get 2 of these for $9.99 is a real bargain. These are the bigger ones not the key rings so they're great for car trips or at home . Whenever a bit of down time is needed!