There is nothing worse than trying to teach a young child when it is okay to get up in the morning, especially when you want to be able to sleep. I saw this clock, marketed as a stay in bed clock, and thought maybe it would work for helping me train little miss on when it was okay to get up. She is now 3 so still doesn't recognize numbers, so I can't quite tell her that she can get up when it says 7. And with the time changing, it is still dark when we get up in the morning, so I can't tell her to wait until the sun comes out, though it would be a great way to keep her in bed longer! But this clock was not at all what I hoped for. It is nothing more than a battery operated alarm clock with lights. I was hoping to be able to program it to turn on the light after a certain time so that I could teach her that if the light is on, then it is okay to get out of bed. But you cannot set it to simply light up only. You can only set the alarm. The light comes on when you push the buttons on it or the alarm goes off. They can't be programmed seperately. While it IS a good clock that has a nice, loud alarm that would be great for waking heavy sleepers, it is not what they advertised and allude to in the description. False advertising. It also has good information displayed - time, temperature, date... But I can't get past the fact that it is not what I was wanting and I still have no clock to help teach little miss when it is okay to wake up. I am not going to set an alarm and tell her she has to wait for it to go off before she can get out of bed because I don't want it to be the thing that wakes her up. I want her to wake naturally and sleep as long as possible. I am not at all happy with this purchase and the clock is now in the closet, put away and not getting used.
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