We adopted a kitten from the neighborhood in September this last year and she is spoiled beyond belief. She loves blankets and fuzzy warm beds, and this is her favorite bed to sleep on (and suck on). We keep this on the couch and she curls up on it all the time. When they boys want her to snuggle, they will take her bed to their bedroom and lay it on the foot of their bed. It is the only way to keep her in there with them, though they have blankets similar to ones she lays on in the living room. It is the perfect size for her. She is tiny right now (4 lbs) and has a lot of growing to do, but it is big enough she will have room even when she is full grown. I like that one side is more of a flannel like material and the other is fuzzy. She prefers the fuzzy side and will scratch at it until she flips it over to that side so she can suck on it. It has been the perfect mat for her. She prefers her bed over the blankets as long as we keep it on the couch for her to lay on next to us. I have washed it twice already and it has just gotten softer with each washing.
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