Multipurpose of perfection

Verified Post by Brittany
Published on 14 Jul, 2019

Nursing Breastfeeding Cover Scarf,Baby Car Seat Canopy, Shopping Cart, High Chair, Stroller and Carseat Covers 5-in-1 Canopy & Nursing Cover for Boys and Girls - (Gray)
Price: $16.99
My Rating
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5.00 / 5   (3 Reviews)

I love this cover! It is so great to slip over the car seat for walks (protects from wind and sun) and is light weight, so never gets too hot in there. I also love it for shopping/ going out to keep baby covered so strangers don’t try to touch her and no one can cough on her. It also helps keep her sleeping when out. And this cover is amazingly soft and stretchy! I can’t say enough good things about it... and the price is so reasonable!

Price: $16.99



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