The Keenstone ElectricMilk Frother is fully insulated and tapered with a slight hourglass shape. This gives it a comfortable area to grab in the middle for pouring. With its smart, compact design it's easy to pour the foam into your cup.
Because it sits on a power base you can just pick it up and rinse it out at your sink without dragging a cord along, the non-stick double-walled tank makes it super easy to clean too!
Featuring just one button with four settings, this electric milk frother prepares four different textures of milk foam, you can choose airy foam frothing & heating, dense foam frothing & heating, or frothing cold milk to produces a fantastic froth, also, you can just heat the milk if you wish.
This milk frother comes with 3 attachments. Two for frothing (one attached to the motor already) and one for warming the milk attached to the lid). It's an attractive little gadget that doesn't get much easier than this!
I plan on doing a Youtube video review for making easy Matcha Tea using this frother and when I do, I will come back to edit my review to include the link to it so you can see it in action.