I have a few tops that I like to wear but can't stand using the strapless bras or bandeaus because I feel like I am always tugging at them to keep them up. I was invited to try these breastlift nipple covers and thought why not. They arrived quickly and appear thick and well made, so should cover the nipples easily enough and give you the bra free look and support you desire. But not the case. I had a LOT of trouble with them. I was able to get them to stick no problem, but getting them to stay stuck where I WANTED them was a completely different story. The backs of the shields are a very thick gooey substance that doesn't peel off, but is very sticky and adheres to everything. Peeling the plastic off to be able to apply them was a pain and then an edge flopped over on itself and it took some work to pull it apart. But that was just the beginning... All I have to say is OUCH. I put the shields on, positioning them over my nipples to hide them. Then I pulled the tabs up and pressed them down in place, lifting my breast to where it should be. I was unpleased to see that by pulling it up my breast looked deformed - it bulged out around the shields and left me with lumpy looking breasts. I was able to see the shape of everything - my lumpy breast, the edges of the shield, and sadly, my nipple beneath the thick layer of padding and sticky goo. And then after a few seconds I felt the tabs beginning to pull loose from my skin. Painfully pulling loose. Within less than a minute my breast was back to where it normally hangs when I am not wearing a bra. They are simply too large for these covers, though I got the one for my breast size. (I have D sized breasts so they are heavy.) Maybe someone with smaller breasts might have better luck than I did. And as if the pain of it pulling loose on its own wasn't enough, peeling them off of my breasts to throw away (there was no way I was going to keep these and try it again, so I honestly have no clue how many uses you can get out of them) was an experience I would not like to repeat again. All I can say is NO THANK YOU. I will stick with tugging at my strapless bras and dealing with the saggy feeling while wearing said strapless.

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