My grandson just started potty training and this has been a big help to him. He is able to climb up the step to use the potty by himself instead of waiting to be lifted each time. The seat is contoured for him to safely sit comfortably. It is molded to help assist in keeping urine in the toilet where it belongs and not on the floor by a rise is the contoured seat in front for boys. It has handles on each side of the seat for him to hold onto too. It also has anti-slip pads on the feet of the potty to keep it stable. The potty chair can be adjusted for height to fit 15.8"- 18.9"size toilets. I recommend measuring to make sure this will adjust to fit. He needed a potty that he could use easily when visiting with us which is often and this worked perfectly. I like that I can remove it by the handles and fold it to put away when it's not needed. It wipes clean easily and no foam or soft materials for odors or germs to lurk in. Just wipe and store.