Makes bathing easier

Verified Post by Dawn Files
Published on 16 Feb, 2020

WOWGO Pet Bathing Tool, Pet Grooming Glove, Dog, Cat Handheld Shower Sprayer and Scrubber in One for Indoor and Outdoor Use
Price: $21.99
My Rating
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5.00 / 5   (7 Reviews)

This mit is so great! It makes bathing my dog so much quicker and easier because the glove helps you get right to the skin through all the pet hair for a good cleaning in half the time. It makes brushing my dog's fur easier while drying because of the shedding tool on the mitt. It smooths out the fur and there is less hair that would normally pull out onto a comb

i. #RankBoosterReview ii. #Sponsored iii. #wowgo

Price: $21.99



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